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pabedu is a network of experts from different fields having an aim of 'creating new generation learning environments' with the leading...

Gökçeada High School Campus Project Actors Network
The video presentation is visualized for Commissioners' Exhibition of SALT to question the continuity and the transfer of information...

Commissioners' Exhibition
The exhibition design of Commissioners' Exhibition curated from the SALT archive is carried out by PAB Architects along with SALT team....

PAB Architects pay attention to pursue their work in different fields of architectural praxis. Hence, editorial content production,...

Learning Spaces
"Learning spaces" ( website is the initial step of PABEDU brand and the first concrete outcome of PAB team...

Research fields of PAB also include building material design, as well. PAB'ın farklı alanlardaki ar-ge çalışmaları yapı malzemesi...

Ekodepo (ecodepot) is a shelving unit of which the patent belonging to PAB Architects. It is made out of recycled paper in different...

PAB was one of the five offices invited to work on an urban research project for Urban Age Confrence held in Istanbul in 2009. Urban Age...
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